Classic Strategy Age of Mythology Retold Launching September 2024

Age of Mythology Retold Xbox Games Showcase 2024
Age of Mythology Retold Xbox Games Showcase 2024

Key Highlights:

  • Age of Mythology Retold is a new strategy game remaking the classic 2002 title.
  • It blends real-time strategy gameplay with mythological gods and creatures.
  • Players choose a major god which determines their unique abilities and units.

At the recent Xbox Games Showcase, Microsoft unveiled an exciting revival of a beloved classic, Age of Mythology Retold.

This brand-new strategy game reimagines the 2002 hit while retaining its mythological charm. A new trailer was dropped alongside a confirmed release date which you can view below:

Get ready to witness the epic clash of gods, monsters, and humans!

Choosing Your Divine Patron

In Age of Mythology Retold, players must carefully select their major god from iconic pantheons like the Greek, Norse, Egyptian and the mysterious Atlanteans.

This pivotal choice will shape your entire playthrough, granting unique strengths, abilities, and even mythical units to command.

Let’s explore some of the confirmed gods making an appearance:

Zeus, King of Olympus, wields unparalleled power over thunder and lightning. Summon devastating bolts to obliterate enemy forces, or cause the very ground to quake and crumble their structures.

The trickster Loki aims to sow chaos with his devious powers. Cloak your armies in invisibility or spawn the fearsome dragon Nidhogg to incinerate foes.

Isis, Egyptian goddess of magic and rebirth, rains down meteors from the skies. Her domain also includes prosperity, aiding economic growth and technological advancement.

While other fan favourites like Odin, Ra and Poseidon make appearances, one unidentified plant-like goddess could hint at new additions to the pantheon.

Mythical Campaigns and Modes

Age of Mythology Retold Gameplay
The battles will be rich in history

Immerse yourself in an epic narrative spanning over 50 missions across multiple campaigns.

Relive legendary tales as you besiege the walls of Troy, battle frost giants in Midgard, or uncover the mysteries of Osiris in Egypt.

Of course, Age of Mythology Retold would be incomplete without classic game modes like the Conquest battles.

Raise awe-inspiring armies of mythical creatures – from centaurs and cyclopes to mummies and jewel-encrusted crocodiles – and crush your opponents through cunning strategy.

While staying true to the original’s beloved core, this remake introduces various modern enhancements.

Expect revamped visuals bringing the mythological world vividly to life, streamlined real-time strategy gameplay, and quality-of-life improvements.

The strategy title is being developed by Xbox Game Studios and is a spin-off of the popular Age of Empires series.

Age of Mythology Retold fuses the best of past and present, offering a fresh experience for newcomers and devoted fans alike.

Summon the gods, build your legend, and bear witness to the ultimate clash of myths when the game arrives on September 4th, 2024 for Xbox Series X|S and PC via Steam. As a first-party Xbox title, it will also launch day one into Game Pass!

About The Author

Stephen is the proud owner of a popular gaming news website GLN, where he provides the latest updates on everything gaming-related. With a passion for video games that dates back to his childhood, Stephen is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with fellow gamers around the world.

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