God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla – Sparring with Týr Franchise Anniversary Trailer

God of War Ragnarök Valhalla - Kratos with Týr
God of War Ragnarök Valhalla - Kratos with Týr

Key Highlights:

  • Sony Santa Monica Studio is celebrating the 6th anniversary of the God of War (2018) reboot with the release of a new video on YouTube that features developer commentary.
  • Co-Directors Bruno Velazquez and Mihir Sheth discuss bringing Tyr into a major role and how his lore inspired his unique fighting styles in Valhalla.

Santa Monica Studio is gearing up to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the 2018 God of War reboot with the release of the new DLC, God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla.

The DLC is already out, but in a recent video, Co-Directors Bruno Velazquez and Mihir Sheth offer a glimpse into the unique content, highlighting the surprising role of the Norse God Týr.

The video reveals that the DLC served as an epilogue to God of War Ragnarök, taking Kratos on a deeply personal journey within the halls of Valhalla.

However, Velazquez and Sheth emphasise that Valhalla can be enjoyed even by those who haven’t played Ragnarök, though they recommend completing the main story to avoid spoilers.

Developer Insights: Bruno Velazquez and Mihir Sheth Discuss Týr’s Importance

The most intriguing aspect of the Downloadable content seems to be the focus on Týr.

Sheth mentions a “mysterious invitation” that leads Kratos to Valhalla, with the surprise reveal being that Týr is the one behind it.

This development sets the stage for a unique encounter, as Velazquez explains that the developers always envisioned Týr as a significant challenge for Kratos.

However, this challenge takes a surprising turn. Sheth reveals that instead of an epic battle, players will witness a sparring session between Kratos and Týr.

This twist is further emphasised by the way Týr fights. As a seasoned traveller, he incorporates knowledge and weapons from various cultures, making his fighting style a unique blend of techniques.

The video even mentions the musical and gameplay elements that change depending on the weapon Týr wields.

This sparring session holds particular weight because, as Sheth points out, it marks the first time in the God of War franchise that Kratos faces off against another God of War.

But unlike his past battles fuelled by vengeance, this encounter is designed to push the Protagonist towards personal growth.

The footage concludes with an interesting detail – the developers purposefully crafted a moment where Kratos helps Týr up, mirroring an earlier scene in Ragnarök where Týr assists Kratos.

With God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla already released for free on December 12th, 2023, fans can look forward celebrating the franchise’s anniversary by downloading it now at no-cost for PS5 and PlayStation 4.

About The Author

Stephen is the proud owner of a popular gaming news website GLN, where he provides the latest updates on everything gaming-related. With a passion for video games that dates back to his childhood, Stephen is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with fellow gamers around the world.

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