Sony Gain 21 Publishers For Exclusive PlayStation 4 Content
Sony has secured 21 publishers to provide exclusive content for PlayStation 4, promising an exciting array of games and experiences that will be available only on the PlayStation platform.
Sony has secured 21 publishers to provide exclusive content for PlayStation 4, promising an exciting array of games and experiences that will be available only on the PlayStation platform.
Gaijin Entertainment has unveiled a captivating new trailer titled “War Thunder Heroes” for their free-to-play aerial MMO-combat game, War Thunder.
Get the upcoming FIFA 14 game on a great deal from Gamestop for only £5.97 by trading in two approved video games from a list of 156 titles.
The Sony PS4’s awesome new feature: Remote PSN purchases automatically download! Get the scoop on the latest convenience for PlayStation gamers.
Rockstar Games drops epic new Grand Theft Auto 5 trailer! Watch it now in stunning HD. Countdown’s over, don’t miss the action-packed live broadcast.
SimCity is now available for Mac users through EA’s Origin Service, offering cloud saves and cross-platform play. PC owners will also receive a free copy of the Mac version.
PS Plus subscribers based in Europe can obtain a free copy of Assassin’s Creed II from today via the PlayStation Store. Gamers who’re interested can acquire their copy from the European Sony Entertainment Network Store, and it’s going to cost all non-subs £23.99/€28. AC 3 is the fifth major installment in the Assassin’s Creed franchise and was one…
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014’s development woes! Konami admits crucial features cut from the final game, leaving fans disappointed. No Spanish stadiums, three-quarters of Spanish teams, rain weather, and the beloved Stadium Editor. Find out what’s missing!
Publisher 505 Games have released sandbox adventure game Terraria on iOS, and we’ve got all the pricing and features information here all in one place. It’s going to be compatible with the iPod Touch, iPad, and iPhone. 505 Games also revealed that gamers can acquire the action-adventure/RPG indie title from the app store for as…
The PSN hit Where is My Heart will finally make it’s way to the Mac and Windows PC in September next month. The developers Die Gute Fabrik revealed via their blog, that it’ll also be arriving on Linux not that long afterwards as well. The puzzle-platformer will also become available on both the Humble Store and Steam….