Age of Empires 4 has a host of cheat codes and taunts, here’s how to activate them during gameplay.

Key Highlights:
- Cheats guide for Xbox and PC users.
- Enable in Custom Game setup menu before starting.
- Open chat and type codes to activate during gameplay.
- Includes classics like Photon Man and resource spawns.
- Some only work in campaign or skirmish modes.
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The ability to use cheats has long been a fun tradition across the Age of Empires series. So fans were disappointed when AOE 4 initially launched without them. But a major Season 3 update finally added cheats back into the fold.
Players can now activate an array of helpful and zany effects by typing specific codes into the in-game chat. It opens up new possibilities for messing around against the AI. This guide covers codes for both the Xbox and PC versions of the strategy title.
How to Turn On Cheats

Enabling cheats is straightforward. When setting up a custom game or loading a campaign mission, there is a “Cheats” checkbox in the menu. Make sure it is turned on before starting.

Once in the game on PC, simply open the text chat box by hitting Enter and type the appropriate cheat code. Hit enter again and the effect will be activated.
For Xbox users:
- Pause the game
- Scroll down and select chat
- Then choose Global Chat
- Use the keyboard to input your codes

Note: Codes are not case sensitive.
The cheats take effect immediately but need to be re-entered each new match or mission. They do not permanently carry over.
All Cheat Codes Full List
Cheat | Description | Modes |
Photon man | Spawn a Photon Man unit | Skirmish |
Inna jiffy | Instantly build, research, and produce units | Skirmish |
Full meal deal | Grant yourself food resources | Skirmish and Campaign |
I have an app idea | Grant yourself gold resources | Skirmish and Campaign |
Take it for granite | Grant yourself stone resources | Skirmish and Campaign |
Knock on wood | Grant yourself wood resources | Skirmish and Campaign |
Smorgasbord | Grant yourself 100,000 of every resource | Skirmish and Campaign |
I give up | Instantly lose the game | Skirmish and Campaign |
It was known | Remove Fog of War | Skirmish |
It is known | Reveal/hide Map | Skirmish |
Another round | Slow down simulation in a campaign mission | Campaign |
Another cup | Enable Turbo Mode in a campaign mission | Campaign |
Age me up scotty | Advance into the next age | Skirmish |
Make it quick | Kill selected units and buildings | Skirmish |
Anti-poke | Make all units and buildings invulnerable | Skirmish |
You monster | Kill all Gaia units such as animals | Skirmish |
King size beds | Enables maximum Population Capacity | Skirmish and Campaign |
At the core | Spawn one of each core unit | Skirmish and Campaign |
Big bad sheep | Turn sheep into wolves | Skirmish and Campaign |
Out with the new | Replace the attack notification alarm with AoE 2 alarm | Skirmish and Campaign |
One of us | Convert selected units | Skirmish |
This is fine | Set selected buildings on fire | Skirmish |
Zeleport | Teleport your selected units to your cursor | Skirmish |
Minimally minimal | Hides the UI | Skirmish and Campaign |
Instant Builds and Resources
Some of the most useful AOE 4 cheats provide instant construction and research of buildings, units, and technologies. The “inna jiffy” code does this automatically over time.
Several others also grant different or all resources in massive quantities. No more waiting to build up supplies for that wonder or army.
Wolves and Invincibility
Some cheats are just for fun. Turning the map’s sheep into wolves makes early scouting more hazardous. And god mode rendered units invincible to turn the tide of battle.
Campaign-only cheats like “another round” slow down the action when things get too hectic. Or speed up the pace to blaze through easier sections.
Taunting Opponents
Beyond cheats, players can now access a library of taunts for mocking online opponents before matches. Quick chat codes input the desired voice line into the lobby chat.
More taunts get unlocked by playing ranked seasons and other objectives. So players have lots of variety for their pre-game trash talk.
Impacts Achievements and Stats

It should be noted that activating cheats disables earning most achievements and statistical progression. So they are best reserved for casual games.
But for those looking to goof around and supercharge their strategies against the AI, they open up all sorts of possibilities. They are a beloved staple of the series that makes SP and co-op even more enjoyable.
Tradition of AOE Cheating
Creative and silly cheats have been a signature of Age of Empires since the early instalments. They often tie into pop culture jokes and references.
While tamer than the wackiest cheats of the past, AOE 4’s first batch still upholds this tradition marvellously. And hopefully more get added over time to keep the fun train rolling. The video tutorial at the beginning of this article was uploaded by user FlipLeaf on YouTube and many thanks has to go to him.
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For now, AOE fans can enjoy revisiting a bit of franchise nostalgia by smiting enemies with lasers, showering themselves in resources, and pelting each other with verbal taunts. These codes breathe new life into the game’s unmatched RTS foundations.
About The Author
Stephen is the proud owner of a popular gaming news website GLN, where he provides the latest updates on everything gaming-related. With a passion for video games that dates back to his childhood, Stephen is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with fellow gamers around the world.