Key Highlights:
- The Resident Evil 4 Remake Grand Hall Blue Medallions Merchant Request challenges Leon to locate and shoot six sneaky medallions.
- Reading the Blue Request Note adds map markers to easily pinpoint all six medallion locations.
- Medallions are cleverly positioned around chandeliers, statues, pillars, drapes, and more.
- Obliterating all six rewards Leon with 5 precious Spinels from the Merchant.
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Upon reaching the luxurious Grand Hall region deep within Ramon Salazar’s intimidating stronghold, Leon faces an optional test of eagle-eyed observation skills and pinpoint shooting accuracy. Here a unique Merchant Request dubbed “Destroy the Blue Medallions 4” tasks our hero with finding six hidden medallions scattered throughout the Grand Hall area’s many rooms and corridors.
Successfully shattering all six well-concealed targets earns Leon 5 valuable Spinels he can trade to upgrade weapons and gear. Fortunately, a quick peek at the matching Blue Request Note makes locating these pesky medallions far simpler.
Checking the Handy Blue Request Note

Inside the room just south of the Grand Hall where the Merchant has set up his shop, a Blue Request Note rests on the table beside the Typewriter. Examining this note adds permanent map markers that reveal the specific locations of all six elusive medallions needed to complete this request.
So be sure to check that note right away for easy medallion hunting! Use the map below as a guide to find out the exact location.

Medallion #1 – Hanging From an Archway

The first medallion hangs in plain sight from an archway along the eastern wall, just left of the door leading back to the Courtyard. Check the map marker and keep an eye out for its bright blue glint.
Medallion #2 – Hidden Amidst a Giant Chandelier

Next up, a sneaky medallion conceals itself amidst the intricate metalwork of the giant decorative chandelier hanging above the Grand Hall itself. Step out onto the second floor balcony for the best angle to spot and shoot this dangerous dazzler.
Medallion #3 – Dangling Between Pillars

Near the intimidating Chimera statue, medallion #3 swings between two regal pillars along the eastern wall. Face the statue and edge closer to the wall to catch a clean line of fire.
Medallion #4 – Nestled Among Velvet Drapes

The fourth medallion lurks within the octagonal Armoury room as you seek the Lion Head necessary to complete the Chimera statue. Specifically the second floor where Ashley waits by a fancy chair. Peer behind the elegant drapes above this chair to unveil the next medallion.
Medallion #5 – Hiding Behind Patterned Drapes

Over in the lavish Dining Hall, the next one conceals itself behind the vibrant drapes of the window nearest all the portraits. Check the northern wall and blast it down through the fabrics.
Medallion #6 – Dangling From a Pillar Below the Goat Statue

Lastly, inside the two-tiered Gallery room, a medallion hangs from a pillar along the southern wall, beneath the disturbing Goat Head statue display. Face north from the nearby sunken bridge to find it.
With your expert marksman skills, you should be able to easily locate and pop all six blue medallions scattered throughout the palatial Grand Hall area. The video tutorial at the beginning of this guide should also help finding them. In return, the Merchant handsomely supplies 5 Spinels – perfect for upgrading weapons to battle the dangers ahead!
About The Author
Stephen is the proud owner of a popular gaming news website GLN, where he provides the latest updates on everything gaming-related. With a passion for video games that dates back to his childhood, Stephen is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with fellow gamers around the world.